Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Couch car

So yeah we played with the beetle. Go it high. Got high.
It started moving around. I got some leaves and twigs and found cardboard and made him an itty bitty house. It was so beautiful. I swear I would be an awesome architect. And builder.
So I start stroking the top of its body then Casey had to come in and play with it.
He said it's name was Elmer. And I said, "I thought we had discussed that his name was Phil." Then he said. "Let's call it phlegm, you know. Like Phil and Elmer.
And I agreed because it sounded pretty bad ass.
So we decide to ride the truck outside with the couch on it because my sister had moved out of her condominium.
My nephew decided to come along and we were sitting at the back of the truck. It was so much fun.
Around the village we went. We saw the people in the basketball court having a game. Pink versus Blue. Light Blue. It looked so gay. But whatever.
We see my baby brother with his friend and they ask if they can hop in. I said Hell yeah come join us.
Then as we drive again we see more of Manu's friends. Until the end of the car ride we had 6 kids at the back of the truck with us. It was awesome.
My nephew wanted to play some more, but my sister said the gas will be wasted.
Then I turned off the car, and my nephew grabs the keys and starts running away from me.
There I was 6:00 in the evening running after a little fat boy with the keys in his hand.
He was having the time of his life. I was high then and it was so confusing. I could see 2 little fat boys.
I come in and finally retrieve it. I'm here in the bedroom, leaving to buy Kentucky fried chicken.

The Beetles

I slept around 5:30 AM because I couldn't sleep.
My sister made me transfer to a different room because she wanted to fix the room.
I went to my moms room and slept like a baby only my nephew kept barging in making so much noise.
I kept nagging him for making so much noise while I was trying to sleep again.
I eventually fell asleep and woke up at 1:30 PM.
I try to practice putting on make up because I can't put on make up to save my life.
It turned out okay I guess. My sister said I looked kind of like "it" the evil clown.
I washed it off, took a shower, my older sister comes back home.
Since my nanny is sick and is on vacation we had to help around the house.
I swept the leaves outside and I was having so much fun.
I never thought I'd enjoy doing that.
But I did.
When I was almost done, Casey comes in and puts a beetle inside my shirt from the back.
It went something like this.
Casey: Hey Nikki
Nikki: What Casey
(Casey puts beetle in my shirt)
I get it out and put it on the ground and run after Casey around the house with the fucking broom. He jumps around like a ninja. He's more ninja than I am which sucks so he ran out the house and I tried closing the door but he ran and opened it and he hit my hand. And it hurt.
I came back outside knowing it was pointless running after him, he'd outrun me anyway.
I see the beetle and see that it isn't moving. I start poking it with a stick. It was fun.
But I felt bad when I thought it was dead. I then started digging a hole giving it a proper burial.
Casey comes out and bends down next to me and says "Nikki, it isn't dead. It's a sleeping beetle. See" Then it starts moving and I felt so much better. Then we sat down and I said.
"Let's name it bugs." then he said "Haha it would be so funny if someone asks "Whats the name of your bug, it's bugs" hahaha And I said that would be awesome but now I wanna name it Phil.
Well whatever. And now Im hear. Awesome beetles. Awesome. And now casey is making a J and is trying to get Phil high. We're gonna go see what he'd do. He'd probably sleep like the lazy ass beetle it is. Sleeping beetle. Psh. Not so bad ass. Well. Later, trying to get Phil high.