I alarmed my clock for 10:00 AM. Apparently, I turned it off while I was asleep. I tend to do that sometimes. I wake up to my cellphone ringing under my pillow. People tell me that it's bad to put it so close to my head because of the radiation but quite frankly, I don't give a damn and believe in that.
It was my friend Bea asking me what time I'm leaving for my friend's house, and I told her I was going to take a shower and that I just woke up. I kind of fell asleep afterwards and my phone rang a second time from my other friend asking me where I was. I panicked because it was already 11:15 AM and I hadn't showered or eaten yet. I grab my bath towel and take my time in the shower since I was already late, might as well do it thoroughly.
I come out of the bathroom and dress up. I come back down wearing my usual shirt and pants combo and then I see my dad. I run and hug him and kiss him on the cheek. I like the fact that my dad is really tall. It makes me feel like I will always be his little girl literally. For some reason, every time he sees that I am dressed before 12:00 PM he would ask me if I was going to school, and then I'd have to remind him that it was a Saturday.
Silly daddy. He's my step dad, but he loves me more than my real dad ever will. My mom comes home and tells me that she could drive me to my friend's house. She asks me what we were up to and then I accidentally told her that I woke up late and that my group mates were there already. She gave me a talk about responsibility. She tells me that I should take care of my responsibilities, responsibly. If there was a certain time that I am suppose to meet with someone, I have to be responsible enough to be there at the agreed time. And she tells me about the future and everything. This is why I hate car rides with mum. She tends to leave huge ass rocks on my back. Lots of pressure.
So I finally get out of the car and I'm there at my friend's house. When I got there we watched Cougar Town. We were waiting for our other group mate to come. We went down to eat Lunch. Spaghetti and meat balls. Yum. I had 2 servings, it was delicious. I like to smother my spaghetti with lots of Parmesan. When we were done we went back upstairs and began to work. I fell asleep. Our other group mate came too and then I worked for a bit.
But I fell asleep on the couch. I had been told they were yelling at me to wake up but it was like talking to a corpse. Might as well have been. I looked like a zombie, especially with my eye bags. Jesus. They let me sleep. I wake up and leave after awhile because I needed a lift to get to the mall because I was suppose to meet my sister to have a movie date with her. Unfortunately she couldn't make it but I decided to buy my usual at Taters. Regular sour cream with 3 shots of butter and 2 scoops of sour cream powder. Delicious. I know the people by name and they know me as well. I ask them how they are and order the usual.
I call Karla and Angie to see if they wanted to watch a movie or hang out. Sadly they are too busy doing school work. I miss them. I call my sister to ask her if she wanted anything from the mall and she mentioned she wanted Taters too. I come back and ask for some more. I am on my way home and for some reason had a strong urge to smoke. I go to the store to buy half a pack.
I walk home. I could have ridden something, but I enjoy walking. it helps me think. I get home and see that American Idol is on. I watch it with my sister. I'm on a diet and then I see that the food is chicken, my favorite food. I curse at my nanny, jokingly of course that she was trying to get me fat and that it's her fault why I am.
She just laughs at me anyway so what's the point from all that. I go up and lock myself in the room. I start watching funny youtube videos.
I am pretty worried because I had appeared very vulnerable to someone I really care about a night before. I was thinking that maybe he'd feel differently about me. I got stressed so I go out and bring 3 sticks with me. The wind was very cold. I was in my superman shirt and shorts.
I had tied my hair in a bun because the wind was starting to bother me. I take one cigarette out and try to light it. The wind was against me. I tried blocking it from the wind but it was no good. So I wait for it to stop and thats when I try to light it. I sit on the side walk and look up at the stars.
The stars are beautiful, there are just so many of them. So many constellations and planets. Whenever I smoke I like to blow the smoke in front of me because I like to watch it slowly fade away and think that it is being carried by the wind to a far away place. It makes me wonder if he's feeling cold too, feeling the same wind that I am.
I realized that every time that I blew the smoke in front of me, the smoke would go to a different direction. I got so frustrated, I tried to fight against nature, obviously I would lose but that didn't stop me from blowing harder to a different direction. Since I couldn't do it, i gave up and blew it towards the direction of the wind. It reminded me a lot about my life.
The wind is everyone else and what we should be doing. And no matter how hard I fight it, I can't go in a different direction, I need to do what everyone else is doing. I want to be different, I have dreams that are bigger than others.I can try blowing the smoke in the opposite direction, but then it would get all over my face. Everybody will keep getting you down, telling you that your dreams are too hard to accomplish. But that's none of their business, is it? I won't let them get me down.
Might as well not fight it.
I hate how far away he is from me.
I look at the stars again and see how the moon is glowing and lighting up the pavement, making the streets look beautiful and then I wonder if he could see the same thing I am seeing right now. The stars.
I smile to myself and realize that the world IS small.
I'd be on my way fulfilling my dreams sooner than I think.
I turn out the cigarette and throw it away.
Everything away, my frustrations, my doubts.
I walk back up the street slightly dizzy from the smoke.
With the moon following me on my way back home, knowing that it would keep him safe for me too.
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