Friday, February 12, 2010


When I was a kid, I'd watch the Disney movie Peter Pan over and over again.
I loved how Wendy could easily fly just so long as she had faith, trust, and a bit of pixie dust.
I loved that she had been able to meet the lost boys and she was able to take care of them.
I even had a crush on Peter Pan when I was younger.
Captain Hook would always crack me up, the alligator that would always be after him whenever he was near the ocean. But why did it appeal to me so much?
Why does the thought of having a Neverland, make me want to buy the next plane tickets to get there if it existed? The idea of having a Neverland would be amazing to me,
because there, I wouldn't have to grow up.
I wouldn't have to think of the responsibilities that I have to take care of, I don't have to worry about aging, I don't have to worry about getting to places, all I have to do is fly from one place to another. A place where everyday would be an adventure. Why can't I be like that in THIS land? This world?
Is it because we are so influenced by the media to do what they think is appropriate?
Have we been making our own stupid rules such as not allowing ourselves to make that first move and ask a man that you like to go on a date with you?
When you're alone walking down the street and you remember something funny that happened yesterday, do you allow yourself to laugh? Of course not.
It's because we're all afraid of what other people would think if we did laugh out loud by ourselves. What people would think if a girl asked a guy out?
We MAKE our own Neverland.
I could get out of this house, and be free from all the stress that comes with being in a family like mine. I could leave right now with my head held high and my pride intact. But I won't do that.
I don't mean Neverland literally like the one in the story books, but a state of mind where I do everything I want without worrying about what other people would say.
A stress free life where I don't have to worry about work or having to grow up.
I did realize this.
Neverland will always be there for me to go to whenever I want.
It doesn't have to be now, not when my family needs me to grow up. Not when I have duties
to fulfill. Neverland is a place where you can think about yourself, a place where
YOU can have fun, where YOU can have adventures.
There's plenty of time for that in the future. But for now.
All I can do is dream of going there. It reminds me of a book I read called the Alchemist. My favorite book of all time. A character there had always wanted to go to Mecca. You see, for a muslim to have a fulfilling life, he needs to go through a pilgrimage to get to Mecca, their holy land. He owns a crystal shop, and has all the money he needs to get there.
But he decides not to go because, he thinks that after he has fulfilled hisdream of going to Mecca,
he wouldn't be able to dream about getting there anymore.
There would be nothing else to live for, to get anticipated about.
Should I be like that man?
Just dream of Neverland, and never actually do it?
We have to be careful sometimes too, because a lot of people have actually gone to Neverland, but never came back to the real world.
I just wish MY Peter Pan whisks me away soon.

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